Thursday, 4 August 2011

Finding a Cycle Like Mine!!!

Today was a rainy day in the Cape, I did not get to do the trip I had planed for today, but in the early evening there was a break in the rain which my Boyfriend and I used to cycle to Water Front, it is a short cycle from our Green Point home, it takes about 7 minutes on cycle, and ironically at least 10 minutes in car..! We had only just arrived and gotten of our bikes when a couple approached us to ask if we had rented the cycles? No, we have not, it is ours. Next question was, where we got them from? Hunted down with blood, sweat and tears, searching sites like gumtree, and driving from one end of Cape Town to the other. Then they wanted to know how much we paid for them? The problem is not how much you must pay, the problem is finding the product you want. If I was offered thousands of Rands for my cycle I would not sell it, because how will I be able to get another one?? 
If I had been in Copenhagen or anywhere else in Denmark I could go into any cycle store and find what I want, here in Cape Town it is more rare than picking up a diamond on the beach.  

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