Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Bicycles for Decoration, not for Cycling. (Say What???)

Two cycles decorating the Puma store at Waterfront, black one is a folding bicycle, nice space to carry stuff at the front, BUT I have never seen any of these on the road.

A rather funny triangle bicycle, with storage space at the back. This cycle is bound to attract some attention, if it was ever to meet the road.

Bicycle used to sell wine at Vaughan Johnsons wine shop also at waterfront. I wonder if the bicycle is responsible for the delivery of wine all over the world. (in which case I forgive it for being retired)

Last but not least these two bicycles decorating a Farm Stall/Restaurant in Montagu.

This cycle is maybe a little to small for me, but just my type of cycle.
I would love to own it.
I wish all of these cycles were on the roads and not just decorations. I have said it before: Please Cape Town, set the cycles free.

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